October 15, 2024
Following Anson #2 Kairos Oct 10-13
As a Kairos team member, I was quickly UNDONE yesterday morning, waking up at home on my “4th day” after Kairos. I forgot about how hard it hits you in the little things. The bright sunlight of a clear blue morning reminded me of my Creator’s love for his creation and his design for our bodies to wake up to light and live. Opening the refrigerator to get out my son’s favorites to make his lunch, I realized that we were out of a few things that go in his lunch daily.
Immediately, the prison residents, now sisters, came to mind. This was their first day back to “normal” prison life. They woke up at an early hour- probably with little sleep- to their pod mates, the concrete halls, sheet metal tables & the noise of the dining hall, no sunlight or hint of the outside world, now separated from their new Kairos friends/sisters they made over the past four days. For the four days prior, they looked forward to their names being called individually as each one entered a room full of 60 smiling women who were singing and ready to greet them with a high five and their nametag.
At first, I wrote Landon a note to tell him about the half-sandwich I made him instead of his usual favorites but then penned words that expressed how he is my treasure, and I adore being his Mama. I remembered how each Kairos participant was escorted to her “family” table each morning. The smell of “real” brewed coffee filled the room and brought joy and anticipation of delicious food and drink prepared by loving people on the outside just for her.
So many blessings of Kairos that have changed her on the inside:
- Singing the blessing over meals together, eating & sharing in conversation with her table family over a warm, sweet cup of coffee… not sitting alone at a metal table, longing for the comfort of friends.
- Feeling confident and worthy under the expectation that she is smart and capable of taking notes on a talk and responding with thoughtfulness and honesty… not questioning her intellect or worthiness to hear good news.
- Starting her day being led into the chapel, where the only four tiny windows that let sunlight in exist in the prison, to be ushered into the presence of God and have the truth from his Word wash over her heart and mind giving her a glint of hope, purpose, and daughterhood… not longing for light and wondering her purpose.
- Listening to talks given by women on the outside who share honestly about their imperfections and hard struggles, reminding her that she is not alone, but among many sinners who have been saved by grace… instead of listening to the lying voice in her mind that makes her feel like the only one who has sinned.
- Being invited into a new family of Christ-followers- those broken and redeemed by the Master- who are ready to welcome her and hear her story of brokenness too… instead of feeling walled in and unworthy of being heard.
- Shedding tears that bring down years of wall-building around her heart, hearing encouraging words from her prison peers and outside volunteers that bring pain to the surface so that it can flow out, be felt, and be healed… instead of burying her pain and living inside it every day.
- Being washed in the waters of forgiveness… instead of drowning in the waters of self-condemnation and the floods of accusation, consequences, and hopelessness.
- Feeling wrapped up in the loving arms of Jesus when her voice is joined with many being lifted together singing God’s promises back to him in worship … instead of sitting alone with her lying thoughts, forgetting God even exists.
So, Father, on our fourth days on the outside, would you bring our sweet Kairos sisters to mind? Would you cause them to close their eyes and see you loving them and right there beside them? Would you wrap them up in your loving arms and be their light, best companion, and truth-teller?
Lord, help them remember to take out their letters and read them again and again.
Help them remember a tune and words of worship, that songs may be in their minds and flow from their lips.
May they gaze at their Kairos photo and feel the love and smiles for them in our faces that they can’t see daily. Bring us to their minds’ eye until we feel real to them again.
Most of all, loving Father, be their anchor. Be their shield. Be their shelter, their comfort, their peace, and their joy. Be all that they need, Lord.
You always have been. But we know that they have been reminded of you, Lord, and even surrounded by your presence, and for that, we give you such praise, glory, and honor. You are faithful and have answered the prayers of hundreds of us, your Church, who love and trust in your goodness. Thank you for Kairos, Lord. What a gift that transforms our lives too! Thank you for helping us see and remember those in prison who need your love and comfort more than we can imagine.
Keep making all things new, Father, in us, until the day you send your Son back to redeem this whole Earth! We love you, Lord! Amen!