Watch the Heartwarming Testimonies from the Kairos Annual Conference

If you were unable to join us this year, take a look at what transpired and join us next year!

Kairos Newsroom

Press releases and videos about what’s new at Kairos Prison Ministry.

Kairos Newsroom


Kairos Inside: Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women.

The spiritual transformation of these women is amazing. Two are now in seminary school! The transformative power of Jesus through Kairos is on full display. (5:15)

Kairos Inside: Finding God’s Love Behind Prison Walls.

Freida shares how she found love inside prison, and now returns to share that love with others. (4:13)

Kairos Outside: Revealing the love. Reuniting the family.

Doreen shares how the Kairos Outside program helped heal her, taking off the layers of guilt and shame, and allowing her to reunite with her incarcerated son. (3:37)

Building a Solid Foundation – The Impact of Kairos Torch Program on Youth

The Testimony of Corry Ebersberger, A Torch participant who found the love and forgiveness of Christ in prison. (3 minutes)

Kairos Changes Lives

The moving testimony of Tommy Fisher, a Kairos graduate and an example of how Kairos Prison Ministry is changing hearts…transforming lives…impacting the world. (3 minutes)

A Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend

A Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend at Branchville Correctional Facility in Indiana, including interviews with prisoners, volunteers, and the Prison Warden (7 minutes)

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