Kairos Inside Prison Ministry Program
“He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.” (Psalm 107:14)
Kairos Inside Can Create a Christian Community Inside Prisons
Kairos Inside is a ministry whose mission is to develop a Christian community inside prisons.
The Kairos Inside program brings positive and negative leaders together, in both male and female institutions, for a 3 ½ day Weekend led by same gender Kairos volunteers.
The Weekend is based on:
- A series of talks,
- Discussions,
- Chapel meditations, and
- Creating a Christian community.
For many participants, the Kairos Weekend creates the desire to become a Christian, and for others the desire to continue his/her spiritual growth.
LEARN MORE: The Impact of Our Prison Ministry
LEARN MORE: How You Can Serve as a Volunteer
After a Kairos Inside Weekend, Christian Community Begins
The Kairos program concept is to build the Christian community inside the institution where the Kairos Community prays and fellowships together on a regular basis. These are called “Prayer-and-Share” Groups and meet weekly.
In addition, each month Kairos volunteers return for a “Reunion” of the entire Kairos community. The fact that we return again and again to each prison is what distinguishes Kairos from other prison ministries. Without our follow up support, the efforts of the 3 ½ day retreat would quickly be lost to the prison environment.
Prison Violence Often Decreases
As the Kairos Christian community inside a prison grows and begins to gain influence, the incidence of violence decreases.
LEARN MORE: Testimonies of Kairos Inside Participants
LEARN MORE: Frequently Asked Questions
Kairos Can Reduce Recidivism Rates up to 50%
In a study of 505 inmates released from Florida prisons, the recidivism rate was reduced by half for Kairos Graduates, dropping as low as 10%.
They re-entered the outside world with a God centered perspective and a new desire to become productive citizens.
Kairos Inside: Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women.
The spiritual transformation of these women is amazing. Two are now in seminary school! The transformative power of Jesus through Kairos is on full display. (5:15)