Spouses, parents and relatives of those in prison often “do time” right along with their loved ones. Kairos Outside lets them know they are not alone.

Kairos Ministry Outside Ministry Program

“This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”
(2 Corinthians 9:12)

Kairos Outside

Kairos Outside offers a comfortable, non-judging retreat for women to support each other as they journey through the incarceration of a friend or relative.

The Kairos Outside Weekend is a 2 ½ day program based on a series of talks by volunteers designed to address the pain of enduring separation from the one inside and the judgment of others from their community. Guests hear the talks in small family groups.

The program is interspersed with music, prayer, and and fun activities.

Kairos Prison Ministry is a Christian program, although no religious affiliation is necessary to be a Guest. Any 20-year-old or older female family member whose life has been impacted by the incarceration of a loved one, or a woman who was unable to attend Kairos Inside while in prison, is eligible to attend Kairos Outside.

LEARN MORE: The Impact of Our Ministry
LEARN MORE: Complete the Registration Form to Attend a Kairos Outside Weekend

“Georgia is one of the three leading states in the nation that are assisting in giving inmates the necessary skills they need to transition back into society.

Kairos has proven to benefit both those who volunteer as well as all those who are served. We are proud of Kairos’ ministry, and hope to see its efforts expanded in our nation and throughout the world.”

— President Jimmy Carter

Kairos Outside Helps Women Impacted by Incarceration:

  • By providing a safe place to share
  • By offering unconditional love and acceptance in a Christian setting
  • By women journeying together in small groups through SWAP (Share, Witness, Account & Pray) and Reunion Meetings
  • By fostering spiritual growth and community
  • By promoting participation in small groups
  • By creating an opportunity for a relationship with God

LEARN MORE: How You Can Become a Volunteer

After the Weekend the Women Support Each Other

After the Weekend, the women journey together through SWAP (Share, Witness, Account & Pray) and Reunion meetings.

They support and encourage each other as they deal with the impact of prison on themselves and their families.

The continuing ministry of Reunions and SWAP groups allow the women to grow in their Christian faith and become active members of the Kairos Outside community.

LEARN MORE: Testimonies of Kairos Outside Guests
LEARN MORE: Frequently Asked Questions