History Of Kairos Prison Ministry
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Ephesians 4:1)

Bringing Light Into The Darkness Of Prison…
Through the work of over 30,000 volunteers, Kairos Prison Ministry brings the light, love and friendship of Jesus Christ into the lives of prisoners and their families. They learn they are forgiven, and they learn they are loved. It is truly a life changing, and often life saving experience.
LEARN MORE: The Impact of Our Prison Ministry
…And to Those at Home Impacted by Incarceration
Spouses, parents and relatives of the incarcerated often “do time” right along with their loved ones. The Kairos Outside program exhibits God’s grace and love through Christian support for women who have been impacted by incarceration.

The Kairos Program
The Kairos program is a Weekend that consists of carefully structured talks, meditations, and individual and group activities led by same gender volunteers. It is an invitation to live in a personal relationship with the living Christ.
For many participants, the Kairos Weekend creates the desire to become a Christian, and for others the desire to continue his/her spiritual growth.
LEARN MORE: Why We Serve Prisoners
After A Kairos Inside Weekend, Kairos Comes Back
After the Kairos Inside Weekend, “Prayer and Share” accountability groups are held weekly, and Continuing Ministry with Kairos volunteers monthly.
The ultimate goal of Kairos Inside is to build a Christian community to pray and fellowship together on a weekly basis by nurturing each other in their faith walk and providing accountability. This is the heart of Kairos!
The fact that we return again and again to each prison for Kairos Continuing Ministry is what distinguishes Kairos from other prison ministries. It can be very challenging to maintain a Christian lifestyle in prison, and without our follow up support, the efforts of the 3 ½ day retreat would quickly be lost to the prison environment.

After A Kairos Outside Weekend
After a Kairos Outside Weekend, the women journey together through weekly SWAP (Share, Witness, Account & Pray) small groups, and monthly Reunion meetings.
There they support and encourage each other as they deal with the impact of prison on themselves and their families.

After A Kairos Torch Weekend
After the Kairos Torch Weekend, a six-month one-to-one mentoring program begins. The mentor provides a positive adult role model for the youthful offender, while the sessions focus on issues of:
- self-esteem,
- anger management,
- short- and long-term goal setting, and
- forgiveness.
The continuing Torch ministry also includes monthly reunions. The impact is a chance to learn to make constructive life choices and establish positive relationships. The result is hope for the future and a chance to break the cycle of crime.
LEARN MORE: Frequently Asked Questions