By Published On: January 27th, 2025Categories: Uncategorized2.1 min read

That is a good question…do we want to get better or just settle for the status quo? Actually, we only get better or worse but never stay the same. What is it about evaluation that makes us nervous when it really shouldn’t? God calls us to affirm the good and encourage one another – so we need to be on the watch and evaluate to do that. Who doesn’t like to hear something encouraging? Likewise, Colossians 3:23 says in “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Therefore, we need to evaluate our actions and activities so we can serve Him better.

That is the issue! We don’t like to take the time, the effort and maybe a little uncomfortableness to talk about what we do and what went right and what went wrong. There is always some of each, and no meeting and no Kairos Weekend goes perfectly. I am sure you have lots of stories to affirm that statement! If a Kairos Team, Weekend Leader, Observing Leader, Advisory Council, and State Chapter never spends time in evaluation, everything stays the same or could even degrade. The challenge is to make the evaluation of what we do positive, and to also have a mindset that this is very constructive and not a weapon or sentence against anyone. We want to do our best for the Lord.

There are several evaluations that are available in Kairos to do this. Please don’t view them as ‘just something we have to do so let’s get it over with’ instead of being honest, curious and positive. This is the true purpose of the Weekend Leader’s report done in Ezra and also the Excellence Initiative – for the Advisory Council and the Observing Leader to see what went well and what didn’t so they can train better next time around. This is the purpose of each Program’s ‘Team Formation Meeting and Weekend Evaluation form’ found in Ezra and also on under the Downloads section for Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside and Kairos Torch.

Many of you are doing this already, but if you aren’t please evaluate why you aren’t evaluating so that you can give the Lord your best.


Categories: Uncategorized


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