There are a variety of ways to support Kairos and its mission, any of which don’t involve donating funds right now. These options can be customized to both benefit Kairos, but also to provide you with the optimal tax benefits for you and your family. Kairos can assist you in finding the best ways for you to give a planned gift and to extend your legacy beyond your earthly years. Not sure if this is something for you? Let other members of the Kairos Family say how and why they are giving to Kairos.
“Over the past 30 plus years I have personally witnessed the transforming love of Jesus Christ in very tangible ways through Kairos. I have been committed to this ministry though serving in many capacities and my life has been blessed immeasurably as a result. Therefore, we decided to modify our Living Trust to include KPMI as a beneficiary.”
A living trust is a legal arrangement where a designated person is given responsibility and instructions on how to distribute assets after one’s passing. This process bypasses the complex and expensive legal challenges that can arise without a trust.
“Planned giving became important to me when I realized that there may be some financial resources left at the end of my life on earth. As I began to explore options for making a kingdom building impact, my local church, the church of my baptism, and Kairos came to the top of the list and I set it up in a couple of ways. I have a 401(k) through work and if I move on to my eternal home before that is all expended it will be split between my local church and Kairos as beneficiaries. This process was really easy, as I just made the beneficiary designation change in my retirement account. I have other savings investments and a house, so I had an attorney prepare a trust. I directed my trustee to provide the necessities of life to my family, based upon need, then to distribute any remaining funds to my beneficiaries including Kairos. I feel good about my life work having an impact after I am in my eternal home. I have seen the impact that Kairos and Kairos Volunteers have….a kingdom building impact…and I want that to continue until we are all gathered home.”
If you have a retirement fund such as a 401(k), IRA, or other pension plan, you may donate any portion of it to Kairos, either in incremental planned gifts, or as a part of any remaining funds at the time of your passing. You will not have to pay taxes on any portion withdrawn and directly donated to Kairos. This is particularly useful for those with a 401(k) as the government requires you to begin withdrawing funds at age 72. Changing the beneficiaries for your retirement policy is likely able to be done easily without needing to consult with an attorney or financial specialist.
“Kairos Prison Ministry International (KPMI) is a very important ministry for me and my wife. We have been volunteers in Kairos for many years and we have seen the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women, and youth, as well as their families. We have decided to make KPMI a part of our planned giving by creating an Endowment Fund with the United Methodist Foundation. The Endowment will be funded upon the death of the last survivor and is a percentage of the estate.”
There are many more options such as gifting Kairos stocks that can be done without using your checkbook. Please visit to learn what types of options are available. Contact us at or call 407-629-4948 to get assistance in setting up a planned or legacy gift to Kairos or to notify Kairos of a gift that is already arranged.