Join Kairos as we celebrate this year’s National Day of Prayer, which is observed on May 5 this year, a day that was created by the White House in 1952 in which the people of the United States turn to God in prayer at churches, in groups, and as individuals. It has been celebrated on the first Thursday of May in the years since.
Our goal this year is to cover Kairos in prayer for the entire 24 hours of the National Day of Prayer and ask that you go online to and commit to a 30 minute prayer block on May 5. It is preferred that you sign up to pray during an uncovered timeslot, but if that is not possible, please do double up as the power of prayer is not something that can be limited!
We ask that prayers be offered up for those we have served in our three Kairos Programs, as well as those we will serve and who need our ministry. Prayers are also requested for all Kairos volunteers who are working so hard right now to serve, but also to those who have previously served and may need to be re-inspired to volunteer once again, as well as those who haven’t been recruited yet that they may open their hearts to God’s will. Please also consider praying for Kairos leadership at all levels, the Board of Directors, State, Advisory, and Weekend leaders all need prayer to make the best decisions for Kairos as a whole. We also encourage prayer for prison and juvenile facility staff members as well as the employees of each state’s Department of Corrections, and everyone who has an impact on the way the prison system is run. We pray that they put effort into the wellbeing and rehabilitation of the incarcerated and that faith is a central part of that process.
Thank you for your willingness to do your part in ensuring Kairos has constant prayer the entire day. Please share the URL with others so they too can join us during this blessed day.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7