First Kairos Torch Weekend Since March 2020 Held in Oklahoma! First Kairos Torch Weekend Since March 2020 Held in Oklahoma!October 21st, 2021|Kairos Programs, Kairos Torch, Testimonials|
Better Together – When Two Kairos Programs Work Together Better Together – When Two Kairos Programs Work TogetherAugust 30th, 2021|Inspiration, Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside, Kairos Programs, Testimonials|
Kairos Outside Restores Lost Faith and Breaks Down Walls of Hate Kairos Outside Restores Lost Faith and Breaks Down Walls of HateMay 24th, 2021|Inspiration, Kairos Outside, Testimonials, Volunteering|
How Kairos Can Inspire Hope Through Kairos Outside How Kairos Can Inspire Hope Through Kairos OutsideFebruary 25th, 2021|Inspiration, Kairos Outside, Prison Ministry Testimonies, Testimonials|