Start an Annual Walkathon in Your State

June 6 – 15, 2025

Why Start a Walk?


People desire to support meaningful causes to make a positive impact in their


Get the funds necessary to continue carrying out our mission, programs and
sustain operations.


People like to contribute to Kairos Ministry to change hearts, transform lives, and impact the world.

Why Walk for Kairos?

Walking or supporting a walker, every dollar raised will be used to bring the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to those impacted by incarceration. That includes men, women, and youth who are behind bars, as well as the women who are “serving time” alongside their loved one in prison. This ministry really does transform lives in the most literal sense.

How to Start Your Walk?

Step 1:
Fill out the form to request your local walk.

Step 2:
Your walk campaign and webpage are created.

Step 3:
Get notified and start promoting your walk.

Kairos Serves Those Impacted by Incarceration

The mission of Kairos is to bring the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to those impacted by incarceration. This includes those who are in prison, youth in juvenile detention centers, and the women on the outside who have a loved one on the inside. Many times all that is needed by those we serve is love. The love shown by Kairos volunteers may be the first time in years they have been shown any. Help them feel the love of Jesus through Kairos.

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All donations are tax deductible, to the full extent permitted by law, as there was no exchange for goods and services.

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